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Letters: Beware of the sun!

Dear Parrots magazine,

Beware of the sun!

I would like to warn parrot owners of the hazards that hot weather can bring. I have seen warnings in this magazine about the potential hazards of hot weather, but such problems can be so easily overlooked. It was on one occasion last year that we took our Blue-fronted Amazon, Bluey, into our conservatory at the back of our house. We quite often spend a lot of time there with Bluey, and our Labrador, Mitzi.

Letters: Unexpected ownership

Dear Parrots magazine,

Unexpected ownership

It can be fascinating to hear how parrot owners come to have a parrot. I suspect many buy them like any other animal, but how I came to be the owner of an African Grey was quite unexpected.

Letters: The ubiquitous carrot

Dear Parrots magazine,

The ubiquitous carrot

Leslie Moran’s articles is where I go first when opening Parrots magazine, as her writings are always a very informative read and I have gained much from her.

Letters: Responsible Breeding

Dear Parrots magazine,

Responsible Breeding

I remember quite a few years ago that breeding parrots was very popular as those who had just developed an interest thought they could be on a good money spinner. Taking eggs and artificially incubating them seemed the way to go and hand-rearing would produce lovely cuddly tame babies that would earn a good price.

Letters: Feathered primates?

Dear Parrots magazine,

Feathered primates?

I refer to the article in Parrots issue 289 entitled ‘Parrots ‘giving to’ parrots’. This article refers to a scientific paper published in the journal Current Biology, the findings of which are really important because they reveal that individual parrots will voluntarily help each other.

Letters: More veterinary articles please!

Dear Parrots magazine,

More veterinary articles please!

While I accept the importance of conservation and how we must protect our natural world and also how we look after our companion parrots, I would like to see more information on healthcare and veterinary issue.

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