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Letters: Bad behaviour

Dear Parrots magazine,

Bad behaviour

Please can we have more articles on ‘parrots behaving badly’?

Julian McKenzie, by email



Letters: Those old boxes

Dear Parrots magazine,

Those old boxes

I read some time ago about using old boxes for parrot to tear up, and so am now saving all my empty cereal boxes and other similar ones. Suppose I am lucky in having a large cage for my Orange-wing and can get lots of boxes in it without encroaching on his space.

Letters: Breeding cockatiels

Dear Parrots magazine,

Breeding cockatiels

In the March issue I read an article by Jim Hayward who gave some very useful tips on breeding cockatiels. When living with my parents, we had a pet cockatiel that was the centre point of the family and which seems to have made a mark on me. Since getting married and leaving home, I would always think what a super little bird he was and that has ignited an interest to breed them.

Letters: Cockatiel nest boxes - 2

Dear Parrots magazine,

Cockatiel nest boxes

With reference to the comments you have received about the cockatiel article, mainly on my nest-box size being too small and bread and milk and soya milk being a poor source of nourishment for nestling cockatiels. Hope the below will be sufficient in answer without offending the two lady cockatiel breeders, who are of course more than welcome to put their own points of view and describe their own methods and experiences.

Letters: A great little parrot

Dear Parrots magazine,

A great little parrot

It was about eighteen months ago when we bought our Green-cheeked Conure from our local pet shop. We have always been somewhat nervous as pet shops can have a questionable reputation when it comes to selling live animals. It is a pity that when there is a case of cruelty or neglect at a pet shop, all pet shops tend to be tarred with the same brush.

Letters: Buy organic!

Dear Parrots magazine,

Buy organic!

For the last 14 years, we had in our family a Green-cheeked Conure, called Midgie, he is the jewel in our family, well my husband and our three daughters adore him. He has always been a comical little chap and has kept us amused every day we have had him. He is fed mainly on a well-known brand of parrot food together with a variety of fruit and green leaves. He has a good appetite and will have ago at just about everything we give him.

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