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Letters: Elusive Wooden aviaries

Dear Parrots magazine,

Elusive Wooden aviaries

I am looking to buy a couple of pairs of Bourke Parakeets and have been looking for a well made wooden aviary, but have never seen any being advertised in Parrots magazine.

Letters: ‘Natural’ entrance holes

Dear Parrots magazine,

‘Natural’ entrance holes

I recently visited a bird show and was looking to buy new nest boxes. There were several traders selling wooden boxes, but I was very surprised to see some that had metal rims around the entrance holes, presumably to stop the birds from chewing away at them. But surely, to chew their way into a nest hole, as in the wild, is a natural process, for Mother Nature doesn’t necessarily produce nest holes in trees to the exact dimensions a particular species may want.

Letters: Protozoal problem

Dear Parrots magazine,

Protozoal problem

I am seeking any information on a parasite called Protozoal Megaloshizonts. This parasite is carried by midges and is transferred to aviary birds when bitten by an infected midge, it is not transferred from bird to bird. Protozoal Magaloshizonts has been found in the heart and/or the liver of several of my parakeets resulting in death.

Letters: CITES-listed parrots

Dear Parrots magazine,

CITES-listed parrots

The Green-cheeked Conure has become one of the most popular species in aviculture so it was good to see an article devoted to Pyrrhuras in the November issue. However, Pauline James seems to be unclear about CITES-listed species. She mentions two species, the Green-cheeked and the Red-bellied (Maroon-bellied) in relation to their CITES Appendix Iisting and correctly states that they are on Appendix II, but also states that both species are listed because they are endangered. This is incorrect. They are two of the most common and widespread members of the genus.

Letters: Need my cockatiel back

Dear Parrots magazine,

Need my cockatiel back

Complacency and freaky circumstances led to one of my cockatiels escaping from my bird room, a ‘panic shout’ went up from my Yellow-collared macaws, and all my birds joined in. One cockatiel flew around the dividing curtain, across the kitchen, out into the conservatory, and over 30 feet to the window I’d opened to let in some fresh air.

Letters: Another horror story

Dear Parrots magazine,

Another horror story

I read about the karabiner with horror in last month’s issue and have witnessed similar problems with other items. We need to be so careful as to what we put in our parrots’ cages and flights.

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