Letters: Is all the zinc that bad?
Dear Parrots magazine,
Is all the zinc that bad?
Over the years I have read a lot about zinc and its dangers to our birds, but am still puzzled and confused.
Dear Parrots magazine,
Over the years I have read a lot about zinc and its dangers to our birds, but am still puzzled and confused.
Dear Parrots magazine,
I have been reading parrots magazine for years and enjoy the articles that I find very informative, but as someone who has an interest in colour mutations, I would welcome some expertise and in particular for producing different colours of Ringnecks.
Dear Parrots magazine,
As the years pass, the question we all ask ourselves is “what happens to our parrots when we leave this earth?” This is a question I have heard and discussed with many other owners who are approaching the winter of their lives. The problem of course, is that most parrots are very long lived and will more than likely outlive us. But what happens then when younger family members have no interest in them and just want to move them on. So where do they go, which is the heart-wrenching dilemma we often find ourselves in.
Dear Parrots magazine,
As the years pass, the question we all ask ourselves is “what happens to our parrots when we leave this earth?” This is a question I have heard and discussed with many other owners who are approaching the winter of their lives. The problem of course, is that most parrots are very long lived and will more than likely outlive us. But what happens then when younger family members have no interest in them and just want to move them on. So where do they go, which is the heart-wrenching dilemma we often find ourselves in.
Dear Parrots magazine,
I have been a keen advocate of natural foods for parrots and always search for the best fresh foods that are organic. Together with a lot of greens and vegetables, I include a high quality seed mix, which I buy from a very reputable supplier. I have quite a large kitchen cupboard where I keep all my pet foods for my parrots and three dogs. It is quite amazing how much I keep for them all, but will never cut corners. Needless to say, it all costs me a small fortune.
Dear Parrots magazine,
I read with great interest in the August issue a letter by a frustrated reader telling how his son is always glued to his smart phone and iPad. I share his frustration as I also have a young son aged 15 who, not only is he glued to his phone, but walks around with it right in front of him while talking. It’s amazing that he hasn’t so far bumped into anything and hurt himself, especially when walking outside.
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