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Parrots magazine, Issue 24


Relationships between pet parrots, Feather diseases in budgies, Parrot Toys

Issue 24 - November 1998

Relationships between pet parrots by Tracy Gwillim, you can never be sure what relationship bonds our birds will make, you cannot generalise about them, they are as different and complex as human relationships. Chuck Out the Chintz, strong leadership and a strict routine make for a happy flock writes Pat Hartley-Walker. The Complete Psittacine by EB Cravens, topics include change in the cage environment, fun at the food dish, avoiding birdie boredom, the importance of touch, talkers and mumblers, parrots and greenery and how do you really decide if a species is for you. Compatability, Disappointed with this season’s breeding? The problem might be with your paired birds’ relationship, writes John Stoodley. So You Want a Quiet Parrot by EB Cravens. Visiting – George Mendes - a one man bird rescue organisation in tropical Colombia by Thomas Knefeli. The African Grey, an insight into the character and breeding habits of this popular parrot from Jim Hayward. Neophemas an ideal choice for the communal aviary by Bill Naylor. How I Got my Grey to Stop Plucking part 2, four readers’ letters that clearly contradict the advice given, which we consider important to publish – Ed. Feather Diseases in Budgerigars in the second part Dr John Baker describes the more unusual feather problems found in Budgerigars, part 1 of this report is published in issue 20.

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