Parrots magazine, Issue 23


Re-homing Your Parrot, Psittacosis, Eclectus Parrots, Free-flying Your Bird

Issue 23 - September 1998

Rehoming, Is It Always The Best Option? By Tracy Gwillim. Sun, Sea and Spix, Training with Tenerife’s high fliers by Adrian Fowler. The Wrong Macaw, a reader’s story by Dave Gibney. Mac The African Grey, a reader’s story by Catherine Wright including information on Psittacosis - what should parrot keepers know? By Neil A Forbes BVet Med. CBiol MIBiol Dip ECAMS FRCVS. Think Before You Rescue by Gill Hunt. Eclectus Parrots (Eclectus roratus) by John Stoodley, including housing, diet, nest box needs etc. Flights of Fancy by Greg Glendell, an experiment in offering liberty to a Timneh Grey. How I got my Grey to stop plucking, part1, a reader’s story from Brian Lyne. Talking Peach-faced by Amanda Gregory, endearing ideal pets. Home of the Amazon by Iggy Tavares, The Amazon parrot is a popular pet bird in the UK and Europe, there are about 26 different species of Amazons, some of which make better pets than others.

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