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Parrots magazine, Issue 22


Organic Diets, The Birdkeeper as Researcher, The Black-winged Lory

Issue 22 - July 1998

Dietary Requirements for Birds by Alan K Jones B.Vet.Med,MRCVS. – Getting your bird to eat a healthy and balanced diet is not always easy. Birdkeeper as Researcher – your observations are valuable says E B Cravens. The Black-winged Lory (Eos cyanogenia) by Allan F.Manning – special needs, breeding conditions, housing the family etc.  Behaviour Problems in Adolescent Parrots – guide to a well-adjusted pet by Liz Wilson. Charms of the Monk by Amanda Gregory – The Monk or Grey-breasted Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus) is more commonly known in Britain as the Quaker Parakeet – description, nest-building, profile. Raucous but rewarding!  Beating the Bullies, Jim Hayward advises on how to curb aggression in the aviary.

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