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Parrots magazine, Issue 66

Issue 66 4a1c197cce33f

Buyer Beware, Yellow-Naped Amazons, Indonesian Trafficking

Issue 66 - July 2003

Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher - Salvadori’s fig parrot A much sought after Indonesian species – Salvadori’s Fig Parrots are rare in aviculture and vulnerable in the wild. Only the male has a red breast that is lacking in the female. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – “What sort of Pet Parrot did you just purchase ?” Pet parrot owners who skim over all the so-called ‘breeding’ articles in PARROTS in favour of the more concentrated companion bird stories, are doing themselves a great disservice. Buyer Beware – Points to watch out for when buying your bird. The Yellow-naped Amazon – There has always been a great deal of confusion when identifying Yellow-naped Amazons. Here Pam Fryer provides essential information on the three different sub-species. Illegal trafficking in Indonesian birds – Stewart Metz reports on an investigation by the KSBK (Konservasi Satwa Bagi Kehidupan) on illegal trafficking in Indonesian parrots. The first year with your hand-reared parrot by Rosemary Low – Rosemary Low explains the importance of these crucial early days. Columbian Utopia – a country rich in parrots – George Mendes used to work as a postman in London. But once returning to his native Columbia, wouldn’t have it any other way.

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