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Parrots magazine, Issue 65

Issue 65 4a032c3d6dfeb

Energies and Interaction Papua New Guinea, Ringneck Colours, Weaning

Issue 65 - June 2003

Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher – Purple-naped & Yellow-bibbed Lorries, two highly desirable and delightful species from Indonesia and Melanesia – A diagnostic feature on the Yellow-bibbed Lory is the black crescent-shaped marking on the side of the neck down to the top of the yellow bib. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – Using an Avian Weaning Assistant. The concept of having a psittacine ‘assistant’ to help wean fledgling hand-fed parrot chicks first occurred to me back in the mid 1980s when I was raising my first two Yellow-fronted Amazon babies. At the time I had as a house pet, an adult male Red-lored Amazon who was extremely gentle and not at all jealous around other parrots. Parrots at Risk – Following his Around the World Adventures, Harold Armitage sheds some light on how parrots are losing their feathers in Papua New Guinea. Colour Varieties in Asiatic Parakeets by Jim Hayward – The popularity of the Indian Ringneck was given a tremendous boost many years ago by the occurrence of the first colour mutations, and the resulting colour varieties are continuing to evolve and be developed. One Dutch Ringneck specialist told me in 1995 that he had forty-two primary, combination and compound varieties in his aviaries. Apart from the newest colours, many are nowadays freely available and inexpensive. Educating Harry – Harry was a very noisy bird but he was also a very good talker. Rachel Grant explains how long it can take to re-educate and how worthwhile it is. Weaning Parrots with patience and understanding- Rosemary Low explains the importance of proper weaning and how correct feeding techniques are essential to produce healthy birds. Many-coloured Parakeet (Mulga Parrot) by Bob Allison – The preferred areas for the Mulga parrot are parched and arid desert away from human population!

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