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Parrots magazine, Issue 67

Issue 67 4a1c19998ae2f

Small Parrots for the Beginner, An extraordinary find! Smuggling Trade

Issue 67 - August 2003

Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher – Crimson-bellied and Pearly Conures Are they two separate species or not? – Crimson-bellied Conures are rare, highly desirable, and attractive conures that would benefit from a controlled breeding program to sustain the existing gene pool. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens, did you ever pretend you were a parrot in order to figure out why they do what they do? Some months ago I was involved in a consultation call about a pet parrot who had escaped the house and was flying about in the woods of Pennsylvania, foiling all efforts to bring her home. For two days and a night I regularly monitored the bird’s movements with her owner by telephone, in order to try and devise some way to coax her down from the 60 foot high trees. Small parrots for the beginner by Rosemary Low –Small parrots embrace varied groups that have little in common apart from their size. Compared with the larger species, they have a number of advantages from the aspect of the pet bird keeper. They do not need large and high-priced accommodation and they are relatively inexpensive to feed. An extraordinary find! – Barry Fass-Holmes tells us how this invaluable Spix’s Macaw was found as a pet and how it has now been returned to its natural home in Brazil. Smuggling of exotics – Roving Reporter, Ron Toft, catches up to date with Customs & Excise and their attempts to put a stop to the illegal trafficking of exotic species. Showing budgies for beginners by Russell Wells – In this article I will try to give you some advice on how to get started with showing budgies. As previously mentioned, I started keeping budgies in 1953, and from the outset, I decided to keep exhibition birds. I joined the Budgerigar Society in 1954 so now will try to help you to get started without making the mistakes I made. Majestic Macaws – Jim Hayward has been keeping and breeding parrots for over 30 years. Here he gives us a valuable overview of some of the most spectacular Macaws from South America.

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