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Parrots magazine, Issue 44

Issue 44 4a032528297b1

Manufactured diets or supplements, How to Avoid Malnutrition

Issue 44 - September 2001

Greater Vasa Parrot by Cyril Laubscher – This intriguing and unique species from Madagascar is a challenge for any breeder. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – The Deadly Dangers of Trauma and Shock. Manufactured Complete Diets or Supplements? – What combination is the most suitable for parrots? Should they eat a manufactured complete diet or are supplements preferable? Malcolm Green (BSc(Hons) Biological Sciences) investigates. How to avoid malnutrition – Should parrots eat high fat foods? What is a balanced diet for a macaw? Rosemary Low answers these questions and more in her article about how to prevent raising a malnourished parrot. Major Mitchell’s – The Majestic Cockatoo, Lloyd Marshall visits a breeder of a variety of beautiful Australian parrots, including Leadbeater’s and Rosellas. Love Hurts – Carol Stevens discusses the issue of bereavement, and what steps should be taken following after a beloved pet passes away. Saving the Scarlet Macaw – The number of Scarlet Macaws in Costa Rica has been rapidly diminishing and a project has subsequently been launched the enhance their survival. This article details the progress and considerations of releasing captive birds back into the wild, by Jennifer Hilburn Release Site Manager, Centre for Release, Katie Higgins, Scientific Director, Zoo Ave Wildlife Conservation Park and Dennis Janik Director, Zoo Ave Wildlife Conservation Park. Bad Parents – Correcting and preventing Destructive behaviour in Breeding Birds, Kashmir Csaky looks at the subject of mutilation and discusses the variety of reasons why parents could attack their young.

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