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Parrots magazine, Issue 45

Issue 45 4a03257435d24

Scientific view Avian Nutrition, Feathers - facts & features, Avian Blood Pt 1

Issue 45 - October 2001

Sun Conure – A deservedly popular and willing breeder that is known to hybridise with the Jendaya Conure by Cyril Laubscher. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – Rearing a Pet vs Rearing a Breeder Bird. A More Scientific Approach to Avian Nutrition – Dr Susan Chubb DVN puts another viewpoint to the subject of complete diets. Feathers – the facts and features, Carole Stevens looks at the importance of preening, and describes ways of helping your parrot look after its feathers. Avian Blood- Circulation and the Heart, Mark Evans begins a series of articles on the subject of Avian Blood. In this issue he looks at the heart and cardio-vascular system in birds. Tootsie the Miracle Yellow-shouldered Amazon – For various reasons parent birds do occasionally mutilate their young. Brian Eddy tells the story of his Amazon Tootsie, who survived such an incident. The Power of Light – Parrots Magazine has received many queries on the subject of UV lighting and this article by Kevin Chambers, who works in Technical Sales at Arcadia, should hopefully clarify any grey areas surrounding this topic. A Tale of Many Colours- Derek Cotgrave describes his experiences of breeding the Australian Many-coloured Parakeet. A Moving Experience – Moving house is stressful . Living abroad is a culture shock. Try doing both with 41 parrots as luggage! Sylvia Rush describes how she relocated to Spain and took her aviaries with her. VIPs hatch at Paradise Park, Notable double success – Rosemary Low visits Paradise Park in Cornwall to investigate the breeding of the rare St Vincent Parrot. The Sad Story of the Spix’s by Eric Peake who was deeply saddened to read of the lack of success of the Spix’s Macaw Recovery project. The Spix’s Macaw has now become extinct in the wild. Let us hope that any future projects will have learnt from this in order that man can work together to protect the endangered species.

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