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Parrots magazine, Issue 106

Issue 106 4a1cfd57cf5cc

Living With A Moody Senegal, Saving The Parrots Of The Pacific

Issue 106 - November 2006

The Complete Psittacine Too Young to Know – a touching little story from EB Cravens’ world of psittacines. Living with a Moody Senegal – Many Senegals either love, hate or are indifferent to people and new places, and you’ll know how they feel about it immediately, says April Troxell, who was more than willing to live with Zachary’s shortcomings. Saving the Pacific’s Parrots – Rosemary Low highlights the efforts being made to prevent some of the most beautiful birds in the world from extinction. Diseases and problems rising in Psittacine chicks – In the second of this two-part series Neil Forbes goes into more detail about infections and throat trauma, and discusses the deformities in young birds – Neil Forbes BVetMed DipECAMS FRCVS RCVS and European College Specialist in Bird Medecine. The Red-collared Lorikeet (trichoglossus haemotodus rubritorquis) is a colourful and perky Australian native, says Bob Alison. Its future hinges largely on the ongoing conservation efforts to protect mature eucalyptus trees, which are its primary foraging and nesting sites. Parrots in Focus – The Swift Parakeet – this endangered parakeet is a good breeding bird says Cyril Laubscher. Louis – lost and found – Following John Hayward’s continued pleas for parrot owners to take extra care to prevent their birds escaping, Sharon Baxter shares with us the anguish and joy of losing - and finding – her pet parrot. Beware a peanut allergy! It’s not only humans who can be allergic to peanuts, warns Rosemary Low. Matters of the Crop – Part III – In the concluding part of her series, Pauline James tells the stories of two bird keepers who each found a young chick with a compacted crop in one of their nest-boxes. They both worked tirelessly to save them, and were successful, but went about it in completely different ways. Parrots in History –Parrots may be popular pets today, but they were first recognised as rewarding companions thousands of years ago by the returning armies of Alexander the Great, says Jane Grimshaw.

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