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Parrots magazine, Issue 105

Issue 105 4a1cfd41d0f37

The Superb Parrot, Living With Crimson-Winged Parrots, Preventing Accidents

Issue 105 - October 2006

The Complete Psittcine – The ‘Scary Day’ of the lawnmower – EB Cravens has some advice on introducing baby parrots to the everyday sounds which surround us in the human world – and to which they need to become accustomed. Living with Crimson-winged Parrots – Leslie Moran tells how a Crimson-winged Parrot decided that he and his hen would become part of her life – and what a good decision it was. The Superb Parrot (Polytelis Swainsonii) – There’s no need to wonder about the origin of the name of this magnificent bird, says John Cooper. Keep your parrots safe from accidents – There is an invariable maxim that can be applied in cage or aviary, says Rosemary Low – If an accident can happen, it will happen. As bird keepers it is our responsibility to prevent accidents. So often they are fatal – and then it is too late to be sorry that our carelessness caused it. Accidents are rarely due to bad luck, they are the result of not thinking ahead. Diseases and problems rising in Psittacine chicks – In the first of a two-part series on the care of young chicks, Neill Forbes looks at some of the more common problems which breeders might come across. Wild Budgerigars – Bob Alison describes how Australia’s worst drought in over a century has affected the wild budgerigar. Parrots in Focus – Quaker Parakeets … have unusual breeding habits! By Cyril Laubscher. Matters of the Crop – Many crop problems occur as a result of hand rearing, says Pauline James. In the second of our three part series on the crop, she discusses what these problems are and why they occur. She also gives a selection of natural cures for crop disease that can be used in an emergency, and has some suggestions as to how to avoid crop complications when hand-rearing. Preparing for your new arrival – Moving into a new home can be a daunting experience for a bird; forward planning is essential to help speed up the settling in process, says Jane Grimshaw.

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