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Letters: How safe are UV lamps?

Dear Parrots magazine,

How safe are UV lamps?

I have two parrots, an African Grey called “Beau” and a Hahns Macaw called “Argyle”, and I recently purchased a UV lamp and bulb specifically for birds and reptiles. These lamps are free standing and very flimsy and although my carpets are pretty thick, Beau accidently knocked it over, while in flight, and broke the bulb. I was in an adjoining room and assumed he’d knocked something trivial over as he sometimes does and finished what I was doing before investigating as I could see Beau was fine and happy. It was then that I realised what he had done, and before removing the broken bulb from the lamp, decided to search the internet to find out the best way of disposing of the bulb, as my local council are pretty fussy about separating refuge and recycling.

Letters: Green-cheeked mutations, hideous!

Dear Parrots magazine,

Green-cheeked mutations, hideous!

I have just arrived home from work and to my delight found the latest issue of Parrots on my mat, just as I had hoped it would be. Having eagerly opened the packaging, I was confronted by a photograph that almost made me feel queasy!

Letters: Stolen birds not taken seriously

Dear Parrots magazine,

Stolen birds not taken seriously

Information in the May issue of Parrots concerning stolen birds, Article 10 etc. is all very well, however, whatever the laws are, they should help prevent the stolen birds being sold on, but it all falls short. To whom do you report birds being sold without Article 10’s, when they should have one? No-one makes that clear.

Letters: So enlightening

Dear Parrots magazine,

So enlightening

I always enjoy receiving my Parrots magazine.  I go through the magazine thinking that I’d like to comment about this or that and then don’t follow through.  The magazine is fully read and then recycled.  This time I’m going to follow through with my comments.

Letters: Stolen birds not taken seriously

Dear Parrots magazine,

Stolen birds not taken seriously

In response to Eddy Lines letter published in the June issue, I wish to assure all of our readers that we at the National Theft Register take all parrot thefts most seriously.

Letters: It’s not all about the female

Dear Parrots magazine,

It’s not all about the female

In the May issue of Parrots on the Parrot Queries page, Muriel Barnes gave us an insight into why the African Greys in question, were failing to produce. I agree totally that the 1m (3ft) cubes they were being kept in were far too small, and agree with most of what was said. But, I would take issue with the display and pre-mating ritual described.

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