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Parrots magazine, Issue 128

Issue 128 4a1d00e1b5ef9

Hand-rearing Cockatiels - Pauline James offers some advice, Complete Psittacine

Issue 128 - September 2008

The Complete Psittacine by EB Cravens - How and Why Delayed Fledging Helps Young Psittacines. Living with two Conures How do you introduce a Maroon-bellied Conure to an existing Green-cheeked Conure?€“ Erika Hurford tells how she achieved a successful result. The Holistic Parrot€“ Using Herbal Tinctures with Parrots by Leslie Moran. Macaw Rescue by the Gabriel Foundation A total of 31 Macaws have been rescued by The Gabriel Foundation. Hand-rearing Cockatiels Pauline James tells of the delights when hand-rearing this very popular Psittacine. Knowing Sopi putting a human face on a Seram Bird Trapper – how Sopi realised the value of his wildlife. Rosa€™ the bag lady how this Eclectus loves getting into strange places by Christine Wainwright. Parrots in Focus The Plum-crowned Pionus Spotlighting an avicultural rarity! By Cyril Laubscher. The Blue-headed Pionus A highly favoured pet, says Bob Alison, which is clever and adaptable enough to thrive in both urban and rural environments. Pippi the Cockatiel who moved in€“ Birgitta Magnusson and Peter Tossberg tells us how they took in a lonely cockatiel after the young son of the original owner became allergic to it.

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