Hand-rearing Cockatiels - Pauline James offers some advice, Complete Psittacine
Issue 128 - September 2008
The Complete Psittacine by EB Cravens - How and Why Delayed Fledging Helps Young Psittacines. Living with two Conures How do you introduce a Maroon-bellied Conure to an existing Green-cheeked Conure? Erika Hurford tells how she achieved a successful result. The Holistic Parrot Using Herbal Tinctures with Parrots by Leslie Moran. Macaw Rescue by the Gabriel Foundation A total of 31 Macaws have been rescued by The Gabriel Foundation. Hand-rearing Cockatiels Pauline James tells of the delights when hand-rearing this very popular Psittacine. Knowing Sopi putting a human face on a Seram Bird Trapper â how Sopi realised the value of his wildlife. Rosa the bag lady how this Eclectus loves getting into strange places by Christine Wainwright. Parrots in Focus The Plum-crowned Pionus Spotlighting an avicultural rarity! By Cyril Laubscher. The Blue-headed Pionus A highly favoured pet, says Bob Alison, which is clever and adaptable enough to thrive in both urban and rural environments. Pippi the Cockatiel who moved in Birgitta Magnusson and Peter Tossberg tells us how they took in a lonely cockatiel after the young son of the original owner became allergic to it.
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