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Parrots magazine, Issue 127

Issue 127 4a1d00cb0e265

Self Mutilation In Parrots - Greg Glendell offers an explanation, Bird Welfare

Issue 127 - August 2008

The Complete Psittacine €œWhy Won't My Hen Set Her Eggs Properly? by EB Cravens. The Gabriel Foundation a lifeline for parrots The Gabriel Foundation was founded by Julie Murad and is an establishment that Parrots magazine whole heatedly endorses. Its work is invaluable and Julie's devotion is unsurpassed. Preventing and Curing€™ Self-plucking in Companion Parrots€“ Greg Glendell addresses a subject that many parrot owners face and gives suggestions for possible remedies. Bird Welfare Are we taking proper care of our birds? By Richard Harries. Parrots in Focus€“ The Stanley Parakeet A colourful Rosella from Western Australia says Cyril Laubscher. The Consequences of Theft When an animal is stolen, the effects can be traumatic and heartbreaking, Here, and following her own experiences, Pam Fryer explains the consequences of parrot theft and what it means for the birds. Enjoying our garden birds while we all have a great love for our captive companions, many of us also love to see the wildlife in our gardens. Here the RSPB enlighten us on how important our wild birds are. Buying a Bird€“ Buying a parrot is something that should be taken very seriously and one that will require a great deal of thought Here Jonathon Lawrence provides some information that hopefully will make you make this very important decision. Leeds Castle€“ How Rainforest conservation is an important project.

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