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Parrots magazine, Issue 125

Issue 125 4a1d008e2ba4f

Hope For The Red-fronted Macaw In The Wild, Living With Big Birds

Issue 125 - June 2008

The Complete Psittacine€“ 12 things essential to my bird keeping by EB Cravens. Living with Big Birds – Denise Shadduck tells us how she and her family discovered that big birds mean big commitment. Summer Event in Stockholm€“ Birgitta Magnusson and Peter Tossberg write about the picnics that are held in the Haga Park in Stockholm every summer. The Captive Parrots of Margarita Island€“ The Other Face of Being Endangered by David Waugh, Loro Parque Fundacion. The Hazardous Effects of Ringing Psittacine Birds€“ A timely warning from Jim Hayward. Parrots in Focus€“ Leadbeater's Cockatoo Undeniably beautiful says Cyril Laubscher – Leadbeater's Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeater) is the most beautiful cockatoo in the world a bold statement indeed! I am sure that many cockatoo breeders, Ornithologists, aviculturists and bird lovers would agree with me, especially if they have ever had the pleasure of seeing this species in the wild. This delicately coloured cockatoo with its striking crest and delightful character, has been one of my personal favourites ever since I saw my first Leadbeater'€™s Cockatoo in 1967, at Stan Sindel's magnificent collection near Sydney, Australia. The Charnwood Parrot Club as described by Bingo, a Blue and Gold Macaw. Colour, Flavour and Excitement Bob Alison tells us more about the famous parrots of San Francisco. Feeding Habits and Nutritional Needs€“ Adam Parsons explains why seed on its own is insufficient for the dietary needs of our pet birds.

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