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Parrots magazine, Issue 121

Issue 121 4a1cff9348ae6

The Eclectus Parrot, Living With A Little Flock Of Budgies And Cockatiels

Issue 121 - February 2008

The Complete Psittacine Is it friendship, tolerance, or true bonding? EB Cravens imparts some thought-provoking advice on the concept of bonding. Living with a little flock of budgies and cockatiels - Morgan Carlyon and her husband have had to deal with a good deal of heartbreak in their history of birdkeeping, but, as she tells us, they’ve had such a lot of happiness in nurturing their little flock as well. Susan Friedman and the Magic Ripple Effect Part 2€“ Living and Learning with Parrots is an 8-week online course for companion parrot caregivers, developed and taught by Susan Friedman PhD and an ever-growing team of teacher assistants. LLP has proved so popular that currently there is a two-year waiting list to join a class. Four years ago, Susan invited Canadian Lee McGuire to be her teaching partner, because the classes grew so large. Susan says €œLee's more than just another pair of eyes. She'd brought to the course a level of expertise and precision in teaching about behaviour that has really raised the bar for our students and teacher assistants€. The 11th hour for the Grey-breasted Parakeet€“ David Waugh of the Loro Parque Fundacion describes the efforts being made to prevent this Brazilian Parakeet from becoming extinct. The Beach Birds€“ You might remember the unusual and spectacular photographs we printed in Issue 111 of Hugh Choi's parrots, Otis and Gizmo, flying free in Central Park, New York. Hugh has now re-located to California- and Otis and Gizmo are enjoying a new kind of experience- flying free on the beach. City Parrots in Caracas Robin Restall is a life-long aviculturist , an author and a renowned bird artist. He illustrated the recently published Birds of Northern South America with nearly 6,400 images on 306 beautiful colour plates. A feat which will surely never be equalled by any other bird illustrator. In a recent letter to Rosemary Low he wrote about the diversity of parrots, native and feral, in the city of Venezuela. Parrots in Focus Australia's Rock Parakeet ..a very different grass parakeet! Says Cyril Laubscher. The Parrots of Ecuador Bob Alison reports from a Country which he describes as a spectacular ecotourism magnet. One man'€™s dream- the salvation of thousands of parrots€“ Penny Mansfield visits the Dutch Parrot Refuge. The Eclectus Parrot, diet and patience are key to breeding success The Eclectus Parrot (E.roratus) is the most sexually dimorphic of all the parrot species, says Pauline James, and without doubt, one of the most beautiful. The hair-like-sleek and glossy- plumage of a male is predominantly a dazzling emerald green, and that of the female is a vibrant, vivid red, with usually purple or blue feathering on its front. Psittacine Nutrition Neil Forbes DipECAMS FRCVS, President of the European College and Avian Medicine and Surgery, attended the 2nd International Symposium on Pet Bird Nutrition held in Hanover towards the end of last year. Here he reports back with a selection of diverse snippets from a number of key papers presented. This conference gave delegates a wonderful opportunity to see how much research is now being carried out in the field of avian nutrition, and a chance to keep up to date with modern scientific thought on the subject.

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