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Parrots magazine, Issue 93

Issue 93 4a1cfbab92689

Breeding Ruppell's Parrots, Living With a Scarlet Macaw, Early Socialisation in Breeding Success

Issue 93 - October 2005

The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens ' Caught between two worlds - Jubilee is an eight year old Scarlet Macaw hen that we adopted three years ago last spring, when her owner developed respiratory illness and could no longer keep all her parrots. Living with a Scarlet Macaw ' The dazzling Scarlet is the flagship species of the parrot world, suggests EB Cravens. He explains why these macaws are one of the most desirable parrots on earth, being individualistic, impetuous and good talkers. Breeding Ruppell'€™s Parrots ' Ruppell'€™s are sometimes known as the miniature Grey, however these small parrots are cheeky and inquisitive, with very specialised breeding requirements. Allan F. Manning has 25 years experience of successfully breeding them, which he shares with us. How important is early socialisation in breeding success? ' A parrot'€™s inability to breed successfully could be because they could not mix with their own species when young, warns Rosemary Low. She tells us of the importance of contact for young parrots of all kinds. Has the Blue-throated Macaw turned the corner? The Blue-throated Macaw was declared '€˜critically endangered'€™as soon as its presence in the wild was documented. David Waugh details how ongoing documentation, conservation and education efforts have helped this enigmatic Bolivian parrot to survive. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher ' The beguiling Red Lory .. A willing breeder that is universally established. More parrot recipes ' Following the success of last years parrot mash recipe, Sonny Stollenmaier lets us into three more secrets of how to cook delicious and nutritious for your parrot. The Black Cockatoos ' Jade Welch describes the status and life in the wild for the five species of Calyptorhynchus '€˜black'€™ cockatoos, which are only found in Australia.

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