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Parrots magazine, Issue 92

Issue 92 4a1cfb936d080

Keeping Small Parrots, Living With an Umbrella Cockatoo, Parrot Recipe

Issue 92 - September 2005

The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens ' Buying and selling unweaned parrots ' Perhaps no other avicultural issue in recent years has stirred such controversy and emotional debate as the selling of not-yet-weaned baby psittacines by breeders and bird shops. And for good reason! Living with an Umbrella Cockatoo ' Cuddly, over-sensitive, affectionate, funny, demanding, loving…Erez Miller describes how these ‘Velcro-bird’ U2s really are child substitutes. Small is beautiful ' Smaller members of the parrot family may be more suitable for the novice parrot keeper or those on a limited income. David Knights outlines some smaller species and tells us what to expect from them in terms of price, space and attention. Parrot recipe: Mock honey sticks ' how to trick your bird into trying pellets! By Haddas Grosbein. Clicker training as enrichment ' Barry Fass-Holmes examines the research to see why enrichment is important for pet parrots, and how and why clicker training could be used for this. Parrots and poetry - the life of Edward Lear ' Edward Lear is famous for his limericks and nonsense verse, but he was also a successful watercolour artist, painting landscapes, animals and parrots ' Gail Harland details his life. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher ' Cockatiels .. are delightful aviary birds and companions. A conservation update on the Burrowing Parrots of Argentina ' Dr Juan Masello and Dr Petra Quillfeldt have been conducting a study of the breeding biology of the Burrowing Parrots of Patagonia since 1998. They explain their research strategies, results, successes and hopes for the future of this important project. Rehabilitating an Umbrella ' Cockatoos can be clingy, noisy and insecure at the best of times, so re-homing them can be an extremely difficult task. Stephen Bloomfield details how he diagnosed his rescued Umbrella’s underlying problem, and devised suitable strategies to help her regain her self-confidence. Healing parrots with flower essences ' Flower essences are powerful herbal dilutions. Leslie Moran describes the practice and principles of using this form of energetic medicine to heal the body by correcting emotional imbalances.

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