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Parrots magazine, Issue 107

Issue 107 4a1cfd72730e9

Living With A Maroon-bellied Conure, Choosing A Pet Parrot Consultant, Playing It Safe

Issue 107 - December 2006

The Complete Psittacine – If I were allowed to keep only one avian species by EB Cravens. Living with a Maroon-bellied Conure – An active, friendly, although high maintenance little bird, says Jessie Zgurski, but with plenty of personality. Playing it Safe – Parrots are highly intelligent birds in constant need of entertainment and attention, says Jane Grimshaw. Providing toys and games for them will help to replace the activities in which they engage in the wild. Parrots in Focus – The Magnificent Buru Island King Parakeet by Cyril Laubscher. The Golden-shouldered Parrot – There are currently more of these endangered parrots in captivity than in the wild, says Bob Alison. The Indonesian Parrot Project – Problems and Solutions – Dr Stewart Metz, Director of The Indonesian Parrot Project, discusses the challenges involved in running a wild parrot rehabilitation centre on Seram Island.

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