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Parrots magazine, Issue 83

Issue 83 4a1cfa920ba0e

Living With A Hahn's Macaw, Think Big - Think Small, Nuts!, Parrot-safe House Plants

Issue 83 - December 2004

The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens -€“ How full a life am I prepared to offer my parrot? -€“ An associate recently called me about a problem six-year-old Hyacinth Macaw pet that this summer began intensely screaming when its owner left the room where the bird was housed. We talked diet and we talked caging, and we discussed the Hyacinth'€™s longtime bird room '€˜friend'€™, an elderly hen Blue and Yellow Macaw. Living with a Hahn'€™s macaw - This amazing, affectionate and sociable macaw makes an ideal family pet, being vocal with a big personality. Sonny Stollenmaier tells us how he got hooked on the Hahn'€™s. Breeding the Hahn'€™s Macaw - Think Big, Think Small. The Hahn'€™s or Red-shouldered Macaw is the smallest member of the macaw family, and is one of the most suitable candidates as both a family pet and a successful breeding bird. Marcus Kreft explains. Nuts! A guide to feeding kernels to your parrot -€“ Most parrots will eat nuts either as a part of their everyday diet or as a treat. Rosemary Low goes over the different types that are available, and offers some advice on what type to feed which species. Parrot safe house plants -€“ If you are thinking of buying a houseplant, Gail Harland offers some advice on which readily available plants are safe for a parrot owning home. Evolution and Ecological Restoration with Parrots -€“ Humankind'€™s influence is bringing many species closer to extinction than would otherwise be typical. Sam Williams explains how the restoration of one species improves the health of the entire ecosystem. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher -€“ Identifying the Chattering Lories, two highly desirable and colourful subspecies from Indonesia. An Outback Experience - Parrot Watching in Australia, EB Cravens recently achieved a personal '€˜dream come true'€™ - he and partner April went parrot watching down under. Accessories for Parrots -€“ Are you one of the many people who will be buying a Christmas present for the feathered member of your family? Sara Cowen looks at accessories for parrots.

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