A Holistic Approach in Living with PBFD, Breeding the Cloncurry Parakeet
Issue 60 - January 2003
The exquisite Horned Parakeet, a rarity from New Caledonia! By Cyril Laubscher. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens, Companion Parrots Part II. â Introduction Day â In the January 2002 edition of Parrots we discussed choosing a second parrot for a home which already has a bird or birds â this article is a continuation of that concept, dealing with the arrival of the new psittacine and some of the process involved in introducing the birds. A holistic approach in living with Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease â Leslie Moran describes how she coped after learning that one of her parrots was suffering from PBFD. Caring for the Cloncurry Parakeet â EB Cravens assisted by Rick Gerdi describes the characteristics and behaviour of the Cloncurry Parakeet. The Uncertain Future of Australiaâs Parrots â Environment and other influences are threatening the future of many of Australiaâs wild parrots. R Michael Allison describes the situation at present and conservation projects that are currently in place. The Status and Conservation of the Endangered Puerto Rican Parrot â Jenifer Hilburn reports on the combination of factors that are responsible for the decline of the Puerto Rican Parrot, and the various measures being undertaken to protect it from extinction.
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