Parrots magazine, Issue 111

Issue 111 4a1cfdf322f2b

The Monk Parakeet, Living With A Bolivian Blue-Fronted Amazon

Issue 111 - April 2007

The Complete Psittacine – Some Questions I Would Ask Before Buying A Parrot – EB Cravens raises some thought-provoking issues for potential parrot owners. Living with a Bolivian Blue-fronted Amazon - From a violent dragon to a cuddly pet in two months.- Birgitta Magnusson and Peter Tossberg tell of the challenges of sharing a home with Morty. Cockatoo breeders; don’t perpetuate the sad circle! – Rosemary Low issues a heartfelt plea on behalf of the thousands of white cockatoos that end up unwanted, through no fault of their own. On the receiving end of Cockatoo neglect – a heartbreaking contribution from Wendy Huntbatch of the World Parrot Refuge in Canada, which should give pause for thought to everyone who cares about parrots. An extraordinary parrot keeper and his free flying macaws – Dot Schwarz talks to Hugh Choi, whose parrots are quite an attraction in New York’s Central Park. Parrots in Focus – Edward’s Fig Parrot by Cyril Laubscher… Rare in aviculture, and a bird for the connoisseur. Can parrots understand what they say? – Ian Stuart-Hamilton Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Glamorgan, poses an interesting question. Handle With Care! Catching and handling birds can sometimes present a problem, says Jane Grimshaw, causing stress and possible injury if not performed correctly. The Monk Parakeet… The Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus), or Quaker, is the focus of rapidly escalating controversy in North America, says Bob Alison. Using a second-hand aviary – Rosemary Low has some advice on how to give your parrot a taste of the outdoors without compromising its safety. Veterinary Services for Your Birds – Avian specialist, Neil Forbes, explains what is available and what you should expect.

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