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Parrots magazine, Issue 96

Issue 96 4a1cfc00c23da


African Grey Special Issue - Focus On Flu, Living With An African Grey

Issue 96 - January 2006

African Grey Special Issue


  • The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens, Parrot problems arising from force weaning -€“ This year'€™s baby parrot season is basically over for us here in Hawaii, USA. A few juveniles are still living in the aviaries with relatives or acquaintances, but most offspring weaned, fledged and found new homes weeks ago. Everything went quite smoothly with the exception of our three baby Sun Conures who, at 14 weeks of age were feisty, inquisitive and very much in favour of being fed warm baby formula.
  • Living with an African Grey,€“ African Greys are the most popular pet parrots in the UK and USA, and Sonny Stollenmaier could not imagine life without one. Here he explains why. Hand-rearing Greys, Sonny Stollenmaier has specialised in breeding African Greys and describes hand-rearing them as a €œpure joy€. He shares his advice and tips for successful hand rearing with us
  • Parrots and '€˜bird flu'€™: consequences for wild and companion Psittacine,€“ Following the recent panic about the supposed threat of a global pandemic of avian influenza, should parrot owners (Cockatoos) really worry about the '€˜threat' their psittacines pose? Stewart Metz takes a close look at the €˜evidence and finds it comes up somewhat short.
  • Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher,€“ African Grey is still the best talking parrot! An interview with San Francisco'€™s Parrot Man,€“ After writing a book about his relationship with the wild parrots of Telegraph Hill he befriended whilst living in San Francisco, Mark Bittner's fame has grown further since the release of a documentary film,€“ Lesley Moran spoke with this extraordinary man.
  • Holistic Parrot - How nutrition affects behaviour by Leslie Moran - Wild Parrots in Europe  British Ring necked Parakeets (Psittacula Krameri) and Spanish Monk Parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) Amazons (Amazona spp) We are used to seeing parrots in their natural warm and sunny habitat, but did you know that there are many species living free and breeding in the wilds of Europe? Graham Langley investigates. 10 steps to a happier parrot part one: €“ Behavioural problems in psittacines are often the result of captive parrots being kept in inappropriate environments  usually despite the best intentions of the owner! In the first part of her article, Rachel Grant looks at some steps you can take to make your pet parrot'€™s life a happier one. Like spray your parrot daily - 10 to 12 hours sleep - Interactions - diet - toys.

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