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Parrots magazine, Issue 62

Issue 62 4a032b7237ed7

The Amazon Confusion, The Buffon's Macaw, Parrot Ailments, Australian Rosellas

Issue 62 - March 2003

Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher - Golden Conure's like gold dust, rare, sought after and worth a mint! The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens': A Brief Look at Syringe Handfeeding of Baby Psittacines. Keeping & Breeding Amazona autumnalis by EB Cravens – Eb’s many years of experience with breeding parrots together with his natural understanding of psittacines has provided him with long term success. Here he enlightens us with the Red-lored Amazon. Breeding Buffons as pets – Parrot enthusiasts Dick Williams & Jim Davis tell us how they are breeding this critically endangered species in captivity. Parrot Ailments – some tips on sick birds by Amanda Gregory. Rosellas by R. Michael Allison – The rosellas (Platycercus sp.) are among Australia’s most stunningly attractive birds. Plumage colour diversity among the various phenotypes is so extraordinarily complex that the taxonomic interrelationships linking the several morphs are unusually tentative and debatable. Rosella evolution has been shaped by natural processes so dramatic and acute that speciation seems to have been interrupted and skewed and is so far incomplete. How To Find a Good Pet Behaviour Counsellor by Rachel Grant – Pet behaviour therapy is a relatively new profession and a growing branch of animal behaviour science. Fascinating Fig Parrots by Rosemary Low – combined with her experience as curator at Loro Parque in Tenerife, Rosemary Low provides valuable information for the keeping and breeding of an avian jewel.

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