
Got a question about your parrot?

QueriesAnsweredOwning a parrot can be an all-consuming pastime with numerous things to consider to ensure its well-being and complete happiness.  Which cage do I buy, what’s the best food, why does my parrot do this – or that, do I need to use an avian vet or will any vet do?  These are just some basic questions, but there is a multitude of other questions that come up over the years.
Our four experts cover a wide range of issues including breeding, companion behaviour and veterinary advice.  With many years of experience between them you will receive the best expert advice available.
With Parrots magazine, you have the opportunity to put any queries you may have to our panel of experts.  So why not do that now?  Your Q&A may even get into the magazine!
Email us now - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - or write to ‘Queries’, Parrots Magazine, The Old Cart House, Applesham Farm, Coombes, West Sussex, BN15 0RP, UK.


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