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Parrots magazine, Issue 71

Issue 71 4a1cf83c4b9a6

Raising Green-naped Lorikeets, Cape York Trek, Orange-fronted Kakariki

Issue 71 - December 2003

Parrots in Focus Orange-bellied Parakeets One of the rarest parrots in the world by Cyril Laubscher – An adult male Orange-bellied Parakeet has greenish lores, with a larger and richer orange belly patch than either of the Elegant or Blue-winged Parakeets. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – Eleven steps to becoming a serious hobby aviculturist – Last Saturday was just one of those days, I guess, I was off taking care of an angry little mongoose I had just trapped when I met a person who brought up the subject of bird keeping. “Do you know how to get my pair of lovebirds to breed?” he asked me. A parrot-viewing tour of the Cape York Peninsula – The Iron Range National Park, situated at the tip of northern Australia, is home to many bird species including the Golden-shouldered Parrot, Eclectus and Palm Cockatoo. Ray Dorge took a tour of the region. Can Operation Ark save the Orange-fronted Kakariki? By Rosemary Low – New Zealand’s Orange-fronted Parakeet, or Kakariki, has only recently been recognised as a separate and distinct species. Now it is close to extinction. Is the action now being undertaken a case of much too little, much too late? Beginner’s Luck, an experience with the Green-naped Lorikeet – Amanda Gregory describes how she unintentionally ended up hand-rearing the chicks from a pair of this species of prolific breeders. Are you and your birds ready for winter? – With the cold nights now drawing in, Jim Hayward offers some advice for people who keep their birds in outside aviaries about how to prepare for the cold and wet weather we can expect. Freeflight outdoors a novice owner’s quest – Whether or not to allow your parrot to fly free outside is a controversial subject – will your bird return or will it fall prey to predators once out of your protection? Dorothy Schwarz reports on a group that practises freeflight, and looks and the pros and cons of doing so. Confidence in young parrots – Sonny Stollenmair offers some advice for first-time parrot owners – and others concerned with their pet’s welfare - on three essential bird-keeping topics.

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