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Parrots magazine, Issue 64

Issue 64 4a032bf7d4566

An Oscar in the Hand, Colour Varieties in Cockatiels, Should your Parrot take Flight?

Issue 64 - May 2003

Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher – Blue-fronted Amazon can vary a great deal in colour! An Oscar in the Hand – Mimi Walling who lives in Florida USA, tells how her life was changed – just a little bit! The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens – The Avian Mental Stimulus Catch 22 - I remember back some 18 years or so, when it first occurred to me that psittacine pets and breeder birds thrived so much better in cages designed as mini-habitats rather than as mere wire enclosures. For some reason it made most sense that if I truly wanted my parrots to be happy and the pairs to produce young, then I must attempt to mimic a natural environment as much as possible with each and every one of my birds. Colour Varieties in Cockatiels – Jim Hayward has spent many years breeding a wide range of parrot species and has a particular interest in colour varieties on which he has written several books. Here he deals with the varying colours that can be bred with cockatiels. Should your parrot take a flight? – whether your bird should free-fly or not has always been an issue that has created much debate. Barry Fass-Holmes takes an interesting look at this ongoing topic. St. Vincent Amazon in Captivity and the Wild – Jennifer Hillburn provides some interesting information about one of the world’s rarest parrots. Red-tailed Black Cockatoo by Bob Allison – “Nest-hollow shortage was identified as a probable factor contributing to low Black Cockatoo numbers. Budgies – Starting Out – Russell Wells has been breeding budgerigars for the past 50 years and now gives us the benefit of his experience for newcomers when starting out in the hobby.

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