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Parrots magazine, Issue 57

Issue 57 4a0329381f848

Why should birds stand up straight? Breeding Keas, The Art of Weaning

Issue 57 - October 2002

Barnard’s Parakeet by Cyril Laubscher – European breeders achieve success with two subspecies. Homeopathy – understanding the healing process by Leslie Moran. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens Part 1. Those Long-Tailed Psittacines . Breeding Keas – The Kea is unlike any other member of the parrot family, both in its looks and its combination of intelligent, playful and friendly behaviour – Jane Lockyer describes the reasons for her fascination with this bird and gives details of her attempts at breeding them. Formulated Products v Fresh Food – Facts and fallacies – Debra McDonald gives her expert opinion on the subject of pellets and fresh foods, and looks at the breakdown of certain bird diets. The Australian King Parrot, - R. Michael Allison describes the behaviour of the popular Australian King Parrot as a wild and aviary bird. The King Parrot (alisterus scapularis) is a arguably the most beloved parrot in its native Australia. Its striking colouration and ease of assimilation into urban habitats have helped to make it one of the most widely recognised of all Australian parrots. It is a sensation wherever it occurs, probably the most thoroughly adored of all the psittacids Down under.

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