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Parrots magazine, Issue 100

Issue 100 4a1cfc7cf0e2b

Living With A Red-Lored Amazon, Adopting A Homeless Parrot

Issue 100 - May 2006

The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens - EB Cravens reflects on how far the world of aviculture has progressed – and where it should be heading…My heartfelt congratulations to Parrot Magazine for the hard work it has done on behalf o f psittacines and their owners these past eleven years. This publication has grown a long way, becoming both a strong and compassionate voice in the world of birdkeeping. I am proud to be a part of it. Living with a Red-lored Amazon – Swedish readers, Birgitta Magnusson and Peter Tossberg, on the taming of a pair of parent-reared Amazons. Successes in conservation – 1994 – 2006 – Rosemary Low celebrates what has been achieved in conservation during the lifetime of Parrots Magazine. A Perspective on Various Handfeeding Methods – EB Cravens discusses the pro’s and con’s of the different ways in which parrot chicks can be handled. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher – Blue-winged Parrotlet ..Common in the wild but rare in aviculture. Lories in Crisis – David Knights highlights the state of the Lory and Lorikeet in aviculture – and calls on enthusiasts to support his proposed interest group. Breeding Responsibly – Last month we looked at the problems resulting from irresponsible breeding - from a veterinary standpoint. This month Merilee Hook, Regional Advisor for the Amazona Society in Kansas, USA, looks at the issue from the point of view of the breeder. Parrots in Practice..Feather-plucking Frieda – In the first of a series of light-hearted extracts from the diary of a veterinary surgeon, Malcolm Welshman regales us with the story of a cockatoo who would not stop plucking herself. Parrots in Children’s Literature – Gail Harland leafs through a selection of children’s books in which a parrot features.

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