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Parrots magazine, Issue 126

Issue 126 4a1d00af3e572

Cockatoos Are Individuals, Buster Returns (The Importance Of Microchipping)

Issue 126 - July 2008

The Complete Psittacine A critical look at the question of handfeeding parrots: Nurture vs nature EB Cravens pulls no punches when it comes to the welfare of baby psittacines. Living with the €œNot so Perfect Rescued Birds Birds are amazing animals and some of the most beautiful creatures on Earth, says Tim Lacy of the Healthipet Network Corporation in Indianapolis. They are also highly intelligent and require a lot of special attention when raised in a domestic situation. The outcome of improper care can be devastating, and this is something we see far too often in the rescue business. Cockatoos are Individuals – Learning from cockatoos in the wild by Pauline James. The Drought Continues Bob Alison gives us an update on Australia's worst drought in a millennium. Buster Returns Pam Fryer endorses the importance of microchipping your pet. Parrots in Focus€“ The Emerald entwined in Papua New Guinea’s cultural heritage! Says Cyril Laubscher. Thinking on the Wing by Steve Hartman of the Parrot University€“ At the first hint of danger a bird normally takes to flight. During the hundreds of defensive short flights which flighted birds take each day, they are quickly assessing potential dangers and deciding if they need to keep flying to avoid a real danger. These short flights require immediate and appropriate decision making abilities. The process is called Thinking on the Wing A Letter from Italy  Cheeky a Quaker with a very keen sense of humour gives us the low-down on life with his family. Meet the Kea: New Zealand's Ingenious Mountain Parrot€“ The charming, needle-nosed kiwi is generally the animal that most people think of when the subject of New Zealand wildlife is brought up, Says Jessie Zgurski. However, another animal came to mind when I realized I had the chance to visit New Zealand an offbeat creature that is among the most intelligent and adaptable of all non-human animals.

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