Parrots magazine, Issue 109

Issue 109 4a1cfdb53d42c

Living With A Budgie Called Boo, Louis My Lovely Lad, Flyabout 2006

Issue 109 - February 2007

The Complete Psittacine – Things Our Parrots May Teach Us. Birdkeepers have a long time been studying and discussing all the ways we may mold and train our Psittacine pets, form in them good behaviours and nutritious eating habits, teach them tricks and the human language and how to be lovingly affectionate, says EB Cravens. But, he asks, how many of us have actually sat down and thought about the myriad of things that our parrots can teach us? Living with a budgie called Boo – Roz Paterson tells us about her gentle and loving companion. Louis – my lovely lad – Mary Ellis writes lovingly in praise of the older bird. Donald Brightsmith: A New Species of Conservationist - in the second of her interviews with parrot people who make a difference, Dot Schwarz talks to Donald Brightsmith. The Holistic Parrot, Eliminating Malnutrition, What Does Your Bird Eat? – in the second of her articles on eliminating malnutrition Leslie Moran asks you to take a good look at what your bird is actually eating. Parrots in Focus – Yellow & Green Lorikeets, Cyril Laubscher looks at two interesting subspecies from Indonesia. The Dutch Parrot Show: shop window not market place. On a visit to the annual show of the Twente division of the Dutch Parrot Society last November, Rosemary Low was interested to see how it differed from UK shows. Australia is currently in the grip of a devastating drought says Bob Alison. On a recent visit , he saw for himself the effect that it’s having on the wild parrot population. Cleanliness is next to Godliness – Avian specialist, Neil Forbes, discusses disinfectants and antiseptics for use in bird facilities. The secrets of sexing Lovebirds unravelled – the rarer species of lovebirds – the Abyssinian, Madagascar and Red-faced are all easy to sex. Adults are visually dimorphic, and when the youngsters gain their adult plumage, their sex is revealed. How easy it would be, says Pauline James, if the most commonly kept lovebirds – Peach-faced and Masked – could also be sexed in this way.

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