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Parrots magazine, Issue 63

Issue 63 4a032bb756b0a

Alternative Therapies, Bush Budgies, Breeding the Red-Fronted Macaw

Issue 63 - April 2003

Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher Crimson-winged Paraket a beautiful and popular Australian species. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens, Syringe Handfeeding of Baby Psittacines, Part 2 A major step is when chicks leave the syringe behind and begin to feed from the hand. Reiki Hands on Healing for Parrots by Leslie Moran Leslie Moran is a Holistic Animal Intuitive and a Reiki Master Teacher of the Usui lineage. She works holistically with all animals and specialises in phone consultations. She combines natural healthcare, intuitive insights and a variety of natural healing modalities, which help restore health or behaviour imbalances. Budgerigars in the Wild by R. Michael Allison Bob Allison enlightens us to the plight of the budgerigar in Australia and how modern day droughts are drastically reducing wild populations. Breeding Red-fronted Macaws,€“ with her past experience as curator of Loro Parque and Palmitos Park in the Canary Islands, Rosemary Low provides a unique look at breeding one of the world'€™s most attractive macaws. Entertaining & Educating at Longleat, Roaming reporter, Ron Toft, decided to visit Lord Bath'€™s Wiltshire home at Longleat to see how entertaining and educating parrots can be. Here he shares his fascinating visit with us. Saving the Echo Parakeet,€“ Sam Williams describes how intense conservation management by the Mauritius Wildlife Foundation has been successful in dramatically increasing the numbers of Echo parakeets in the wild.

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