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Parrots magazine, Issue 58

Issue 58 4a03298932f07

Conservation of the Caribbean Amazons, The Value of Pet Insurance

Issue 58 - November 2002

Parrots in focus by Cyril Laubscher – The magnificent Moluccan Cockatoo. Majestic in stature and size the Moluccan Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis) is undoubtedly one of the most popular cockatoos either as an aviary subject for breeding, or as a pet gracing some lucky owner’s home. It is also considered to be the most attractive of the large white cockatoos, has a playful nature, and enjoys interacting with its owner. Another attribute bestowed on this beautiful cockatoo is its endearing personality and affectionate attitude towards its owner or owners, plus its ability to build a strong bond with individuals. The most striking feature of this cockatoo is the large recumbent crest. At rest the crest appears mainly white, but when opened fully the head looks much larger than it actually is, and the brilliant broad salmon-pink feathers of the crest are revealed in all their magnificence. The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens Part 2 – Those Long-Tailed Psittacines – The fine art of hand-feeding Parakeets as pets, out of the aviary and into the living room. Conservation of Caribbean Amazon Parrots – Many of the Amazon Parrots from around the Caribbean regions are seriously endangered, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for man to inhabit the same areas as these birds without posing a threat to their numbers. Rosemary Low describes each of these Amazons and looks at the conservation strategies that some of these islands have implemented to protect them. The Value of Pet Insurance – We can never be sure that our pets wont go missing or get injured – much as we would like to believe this. Unexpected veterinary bills can be difficult to afford if an emergency occurs. Insuring your bird can help with such a situation as Vet Mark Evans explains. Breeding and Raising the Goffin’s Cockatoo – Noisy but affectionate, Cockatoos have always been a popular choice for both breeders and pet owners alike. The Goffin’s Cockatoo is no exception, as EB Cravens describes in this article in which he discusses housing and feeding tips as well as general information about caring for your Goffin’s. South Africa’s Cape Parrots; flying into extinction – Louise Warburton, Craig Symes & Mark Brown discuss the endangered Cape Parrot, native to South Africa, and describe the various conservation measures that have been instigated in Africa to protect this bird from extinction. Australian Rainbow Lorikeets in the Wild – Robert Alison gives details of the Rainbow Lorikeet populations in Australia, and how they survive in the wild alongside humans. Rediscovered the elusive Indigo-winged Parrot – the highest Andean volcano in central Colombia where the Indigo-winged parrot was rediscovered by the team at 3,000 metres by Juanita Mora – Jorge Velasquez and his team funded by the BP Conservation Programme have rediscovered for the first time in 91 years one of the rarest birds in the world, the beautiful Indigo-winged Parrot high in the cloud forests of Colombia. Twelve things essential to my bird keeping by EB Cravens – In my hobby breeding and pet-keeping, I have discovered many items I consider critical to have on hand and use in order to maintain the health, well-being and optimum development of the psittacines.

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