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Parrots magazine, Issue 37

Issue 37 4a0321e1a1e63

Lovely Lories part 1, Conserving the Kaka in N.Z, Clicker Training part 2

Issue 37 - December 2000 / January 2001

Psitta-Sense with Tracy Gwillim MIACE, Caution! Rescue work can damage your health, doing too much can result in doing nothing at all. Making it Click part 2, Sue Macer gives some further hints and tips on positive reinforcement training. Introducing The Rosellas, continuing his series on parrots suitable for beginners to aviculture, Jim Hayward looks at some Australian parakeets. Conserving the Kaka, in the first of a short series on New Zealand’s native parrots, Glen Holland and Rose Collen report on a unique project to re-establish the Kaka using captive-bred birds. Lovely Lories, in the first of a two-part article on this most colourful species, Rosemary Low tells how to offer a varied diet. Aviary Antics, in his second and final article on the Maximilian’s Pionus Parrot Ray Dorge considers its pleasures as an aviary and breeder bird. Parrots in Hawaii, Brian Eddy reports on a wildlife cruise. The Silent Killer Among Us, Zinc poisoning kills parrots, Carole Stevens tells how to avoid it, and how to recognise and treat it should it occur. La Dolce Vita in Italy, Ailsa Schwarzkopf discovered a happy home for parrots in a rural idyll. Managing Macaws Part 2, Dr Donald Brightman updates his report in Issue 35 on work to preserve endangered Macaws in south-eastern Peru by providing artificial nest boxes.

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