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Parrots magazine, Issue 136

Issue 136 4a1c10b2e7345

Living with Nanday Conures, Life with a Blue Mountain Lorikeet

Issue 136 - May 2009

Complete Psittacine - Looking into the Tasks of Grooming, Never to be clipped again! - Elaine Froggatt has vowed never to clip another parrot's wing, The Holistic Parrot - Healing Stress Related Feather Destruction, The Toy Maker - David Dawes home-made toys keep his Grey amused for hours, Living with Nanday Conures - Pauline and Arthur decided they wanted a companion parrot, Life with a Blue Mountain Lorikeet - EB Cravens and his amazing Swainson's Lorikeet, Reader's Story - How Janet Hamilton came to own Ollie.

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