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Parrots magazine, Issue 134

Issue 134 4a1c0ca28880f

Living with Alexandrines - Pauline James tells us of an amazing tame colony in Kent

Issue 134 - March 2009

Living with Alexandrines - Pauline James tells us of an amazing tame colony in Kent, Complete Psittacine - Are You Giving Back to the Birds?, Ten years of effort - ten times as many Philippine Cockatoos, The Holistic Parrot - Leslie Moran reviews Cindy Engel's book "Wild Health", Unusual pairing? - Morgan Carlyon snapped an unusual sight, Popeye my darling! - Charlotte Smith's lifelong ambition was to own a parrot, Sadly Missed - EB Cravens remembers Diana Holloway, Molly's final journey - The consequences of a traumatic theft, Parrots and pigeons - Bob Alison tells how parrots and pigeons compliment each other when threats materialise, Happy Families - How a family of pets get on together, Reader's Story - Mary Ellis tells us about her lovely old boy, Louis

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