Parrots magazine eMag 100

eMag 100


Issue 100 - May 2006

The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens - EB Cravens reflects on how far the world of aviculture has progressed – and where it should be heading…My heartfelt congratulations to Parrots magazine for the hard work it has done on behalf of psittacines and their owners these past eleven years. This publication has grown a long way, becoming both a strong and compassionate voice in the world of birdkeeping. I am proud to be a part of it. Living with a Red-lored Amazon – Swedish readers, Birgitta Magnusson and Peter Tossberg, on the taming of a pair of parent-reared Amazons. Successes in conservation – 1994 – 2006 – Rosemary Low celebrates what has been achieved in conservation during the lifetime of Parrots Magazine. A Perspective on Various Handfeeding Methods – EB Cravens discusses the pro’s and con’s of the different ways in which parrot chicks can be handled. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher – Blue-winged Parrotlet ..Common in the wild but rare in aviculture. Lories in Crisis – David Knights highlights the state of the Lory and Lorikeet in aviculture – and calls on enthusiasts to support his proposed interest group. Breeding Responsibly – Last month we looked at the problems resulting from irresponsible breeding - from a veterinary standpoint. This month Merilee Hook, Regional Advisor for the Amazona Society in Kansas, USA, looks at the issue from the point of view of the breeder. Parrots in Practice..Feather-plucking Frieda – In the first of a series of light-hearted extracts from the diary of a veterinary surgeon, Malcolm Welshman regales us with the story of a cockatoo who would not stop plucking herself. Parrots in Children’s Literature – Gail Harland leafs through a selection of children’s books in which a parrot features.



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