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Parrots magazine, Issue 90

Issue 90 4a1cfb5ae8237

Living with a Citron-crested Cockatoo, The Battle Against Smuggling, Red-bellied Parrot

Issue 90 - July 2005

The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens ' The thing about perching on shoulders ' I recently some correspondence concerning a veterinarian who had mentioned the following theory: '€œParrots that shoulder sit are less confident than those that hand or finger sit.'€ I thought this rather humorous since all my Psittacine pets have been taught to shoulder sit and they are extremely confident birds. Living with a Citron-crested Cockatoo ' Janice Hoadley tells us about her time spent with two of these beautiful birds, and their gorgeous chicks. The battle against smuggling ' news from the frontline ' it results in large numbers of deaths every year and incalculable sums of money change hands yet it'€™s rarely mentioned in the media. Stuart King, from BBC'€™s '€˜Airport'€™ discusses the illegal pet trade ' the second largest smuggling business in the world - with Graham Langley. The Red-bellied Parrot ' The Red-bellied parrot is a close relative of the Senegal, yet it is much less common in aviculture. Rosemary Low discusses its status as a pet, breeding and life in the wild. A natural approach to Avian Arthritis ' Osteoarthritis is becoming more common in pet parrots as increasing numbers live longer or suffer from obesity. Leslie Moran describes how natural health care can help to treat this and similar conditions. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher - Cuban Amazon, a beautiful parrot with an aggressive streak. The dangers of stunting in handfed parrots ' The increase in incubator hatching has led to many chicks having slower growth curves, which could lead to inadequate development. EB Cravens argues the case for leaving parrot parents to give their chicks a natural start. A bird'€™s gotta fly ' welcome to fly days! ' The Seattle Flyers formed to free-fly their parrots together in a disused commercial building. Mona Delgado, Treasurer of the group, recounts their experiences. Amazona oratrix hondurensis ' Variously described as the Yellow-naped and Yellow-headed, the hondurensis subspecies of the Double Yellow-headed Amazon has only had its own name in the last few years. Merilee Hook and Dave Hall clear up the confusion. Losing Livvie to PDD ' Proventricular Dilatation is a wasting disease that affects young birds. The cause is unknown, the symptoms and side effects are varied and the outcome is fatal. Timothy Holbrook shares his experiences of losing a bird to PDD.

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