Goffin's Cockatoo

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Personality Profile, by Sally Blanchard

Goffin’s cockatoos (Cacatua goffini) are the smallest of the white cockatoos at about 12" from head to tail, only the cockatiel is smaller in the 'too family. This species is also referred to as the Goffin's corella and the Tanimbar cockatoo or corella. They are native to a few islands in the Tanimbar Island Archipelago of Indonesia.

The cockatoo was named after Andreas Leopold Goffin, a Dutch naval lieutenant in 1863. Until fairly recently there was confusion about the taxonomy of the Ducorp’s and the Goffin’s Cockatoo but they are now classified as two separate species. The Goffin’s is classified as CITES I because they are near-threatened due to deforestation and capture for the pet trade. I have read that there are now more Goffin’s cockatoos in captivity than there are in the wild.

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