Parrots magazine, Issue 29

Issue 29 4a03203291929

How to have the best Relationship with your Parrot, Natural triggers to the Breeding Cycle

Issue 29 - September 1999

Psitta-Sense with Tracy Gwillim, Up Close and Personal (but with the wrong person!) Working at the relationship. Breeding and Feeding, Ultraviolet light and a sudden increase in protein-rich foods trigger breeding condition in wild parrots. Allan F. Manning explains why it is important to study nature’s careful timing if we are to have success with our own captive pairs. Living with Samantha by Josie Palmer, the story of how a young pet Senegal parrot’s true character began to unfold and reveal its less than innocent side! The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens, Which Parrot Species I Right For You? The Highs and Lows of Keeping Birds by Amanda Gregory. Small Is Beautiful A Beginner’s Guide to Breeding Parrots by Jim Hayward – Breeds for the Beginner, Cockatiels, Peach-faced Lovebirds, Red-rumped Parakeets, Kakarikis . Misunderstood Parrots, A few suggestions for their keepers by Parrot Behaviourist Greg Glendell. A Bird’s Eye View of Caging from the Birdkeeping Naturally series of articles by US parrot keeper and writer, EB Cravens. What Does Rescue Really Mean? Pam Cook questions the standards and motives of some of the many ‘rescue’ homes for animals and birds. Zinc Toxicosis An under-recognised disease? By Alan K Jones BvetMed MRCVS. Indoor Bird Rooms, Established aviculturist Arthur Reditt describes how he undertook the conversion of his garage to provide a healthy and happy breeding environment for his parrots.

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