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Parrots magazine, Issue 89

Issue 89 4a1cfb444775c

Living with an Orange-winged Amazon, Breeding Glossopsitta Lorikeets

Issue 89 - June 2005

The Complete Psittacine with EB Cravens '€“ '€˜Tis no longer enough to merely love your parrots '€“During the past few years I have been privileged to be invited to numerous parrot-orientated conventions and workshops. During the speakers'€™ presentations, group panels and round table discussions, it has become apparent to me that there is a common general thought scheme beginning to run throughout the world of birdkeeping. In brief, it is no longer enough to merely love your parrots. Living with an Orange-winged Amazon '€“ Despite confessing to times when it feels as though one Amazon is one too many, Petra Glover describes her Orange-wing as a bird that can make life fun again. She details the strong and contrary character that keeps her owners on their toes. Little green parrots '€“ breeding the genus Glossopsitta '€“ The Glossopsitta genus contains some of the tiniest and most charming species of lorikeets. The successful breeding of these small parrots is an excellent challenge for the bird enthusiast, according to Dejan Stojanovic. Spectacular conservation success: The Yellow-eared Parrot - The Yellow-eared Parrot depends upon wax palms for its survival, but by 1996 there were only 20 known birds left as the trees were progressively cut down. Rosemary Low details the conservation measures that ensured the survival of both species. Punishment for Parrots - punishing your parrot does not need to take the form of shouting, spraying, or even hitting your bird, it should simply consist of positive reinforcement to reduce undesirable behaviours. Sonny Stollenmaier explains how and why. Parrots in Focus by Cyril Laubscher '€“ Blue crowned Racquet-tail '€¦ a fascinating rarity from the Phillipines. Conservation of Grey Parrots in paradise '€“ Kevin O'€™Connor'€™s home for the last decade is a place that has been described as '€œthe most attractive country in Africa to birdwatchers'€. He visited the country'€™s Wildlife Education Centre to look at their conservation programme for the African Grey. Hernia repair in a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo '€“ Some captive parrots are prone to over-eating which, combined with a lack of exercise, can lead to serious health problems. Chris Hall describes how surgery saved a Cockatoo with a condition caused by obesity. The parrot'€™s beak '€“ Parrot beaks are used for eating, preening, foraging and climbing. Sam Williams investigates how beak shapes have developed in different ways for different species, and how this knowledge can help us enhance the life of our pet parrot.

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