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Grow Berries & Nuts for Your Parrots by Jim Hayward

Parrots magazine October 2011

Whether grown in the garden or in large containers, which can be kept on a patio, there are a number of trees and shrubs which produce useful crops of fruits which are relished by wild and aviary birds - not least by most of the medium to large psittacine species. Many British fruits and berries are used by breeders of British soft-bills and hard-bills both as food and as a special aid to improving feather condition and depth of colour, and the same effect seems to be apparent where parrots are concerned. Of the berry or berry-like producing species, our own birds’ special favourites have always been the Rowan, the Elder, the Hawthorn, May tree and the Dog Rose. The Hazel is another useful food species producing good quantities of nuts, which must be gathered in before they are taken and hidden away in stashes by grey squirrels.

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