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The Holistic Parrot By Leslie Moran

Parrots magazine September 2011

What are Your Top Priorities?

Have you ever thought about what is truly important to you when it comes to caring for your parrots?  I’ve spoken with many people and a majority of them have told me that they want their birds to be happy and healthy.  This is a vague and general statement.  To have your birds be happy and healthy, you need to think about what this statement means to you.  According to Hyrum W. Smith, author of “The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time & Life Management”, “People live their lives according to their own personal set of values and beliefs that they consider to be the most valuable and worthwhile”.  So with this thought in mind, let’s explore the primary areas you value when it comes to caring for your parrots

What areas can be included when beginning this list?  In Smith’s book, he establishes that a 1992 survey in the United States, highlighted 30 values that were the most commonly mentioned as being held dear.  These included being married, financial security, personal health and fitness, children and family, sense of accomplishment, integrity, honesty, love for others, self-respect, taking responsibility, inner harmony, independence, understanding, quality of life, forgiveness and friendship.  But what do these qualities and ideals have to do with caring for birds?

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