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A Springtime Feeding Recipe

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Complete Psittacine by Eb Cravens

Whenever springtime rolls around, I like to look closely at the feeding regime for my flock and analyse how it might be tweaked to improve both the palatability and the overall nutrition. This essentially means scrutinising what items are or are not being readily eaten, how much refined or processed food is in the diet, and which birds tend to rely on our late afternoon dry seed feeding for their second meal of the day. Then I set about modifying things for the new longer-days growing season of summer.

Of course, things are quite different these days since I no longer seek to nourish any psittacines for breeding, in spite of the customary rise in noise and activity level of all the pairs come March and April! That means no bee pollen, no ultra-vitaminised additives, no increase in protein rich foodstuffs. Extra greenstuffs, garden pods and sprouting stems, and edible blooming flowers the parrots will receive.

So here is a quick rundown of the recipe I like to offer the flock these days, including some of the new items I offer daily. Please note that I am preparing this for seven or eight adult parrots. Often I will make a little bit extra which is added to a container I keep in the freezer for serving on weekends or days when in a rush.

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