Parrots Magazine
Whether you’re curious about parrot breeding, behaviour, conservation, or healthcare, we've got you covered. It’s like having a chat with a wise old parrot minus the squawking. We have lots of fascinating articles from leading aviculturalists and behaviour experts.
We produce a colourful, engaging and informative eMagazine delivered straight to your desktop every month.
Latest Edition
We see our parrots every day and we probably take for granted their glorious colours and the intricacy of their plumage. Rosemary Low writes about one of the world's natural wonders.
We can use this year's Earth Day theme to focus our energies to make educated choices that will help improve conditions for our parrots, our planet and wild parrot habitats worldwide.
Toys can be a great part of our caged birds' enrichment experiences, especially when new ones arrive. Eb Cravens writes about the many different toys that can be hand made to keep our parrots occupied.
Parrots can easily outlive their owners or be the victims of impulse purchases. US Exeter Democrat, Megan Cotter, is proposing legislation to restrict some pet stores from selling parrots to help reduce numbers in rescues and re-homing centres.
and much more in this issue …